Tuesday, August 28, 2012

"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies."-Martin Luther King Jr.

This is the hardest lesson to learn.  It helps if I picture us all within a large circle enveloped with God's love.  No one is more or less loved by God.  He knows why people make the choices they do.  We don't know the circumstances nor can we see inside their hearts.  But it helps me to remember that no matter how much or how little it may seem someone is loved-it is all the same.  God loves us all the same.  So if I am hurt by another-I hurt myself by holding onto the hurt-reliving it day after day-let it go.  I am not saying we should let others go out to do harm to us or others-we can do what we can to stop the hurt then let it go.  God knows and God will take care of it.  Peace.

Monday, August 27, 2012

"All the destinations that we have and strive to get to and scurry to be on time for mean nothing, however much they are touted and advertised. The wonders are to be found on the way to those places; what really matters and is worth seeing and experiencing happens on the way to those destinations."-Frank Crocitto-Insight is Better Than Ice Cream

Life will be better when I get that new house.  Life will be better when I get that new car.  Life will be better when I get that new job.  Life will be better when I am married.  Life will be better when I lose 20 pounds.  Why are we wishing our lives away.  Nothing wrong with having dreams and aspirations but getting there will not make life better.  We focus so much on the end product and put our heads down and trudge along.  Stop.  Look around.  Don't miss all the gifts in front of you.  Admire the road you have been on...look where you are.  Lessons are learned on the road of life not just at destination points.  Don't miss out. Live now. Peace.

Friday, August 24, 2012

"trust in the possibilities alive within you. Rise above the storm until the sun peeks through; reach out and touch the stars within your reach. Let your spirits rise as freely as the wind. Open your heart to miracles, and follow it all the way to your dreams."-Linda E. Knight

Why worry? Worry does not change the outcome.  Worry only causes issues with your feelings.  Can't change what is happening so why worry-can only change how you feel.  Trust.  Believe.  Have faith and hope.  Someone is pulling for you.  Reach out.  Step forward.  Go around the bend.  Believing that something good is just ahead is better than thinking it isn't.  Peace!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

"May the paths you walk and the roads you travel take you to amazing places. Places where you see the possibilities, where you discover what it's like when dreams come true, and where you come to understand the promise and the potential of all the wonderful qualities inside of you."-Alin Austin

God has a plan for each of us and it is different for everyone.  As we are all created differently so God's plans for us are just as different so why do we compare ourselves to others???Be who you are meant to be-follow your own path-enjoy YOUR life!! Trust that His plans for you are more than you could have ever imagined and if your life seems far from perfect..be patient and trust that your path is heading where it needs to go and the best is yet to come. Believe.  Peace.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes."-Eleanor Roosevelt

For many-it is all what it looks like.  I have seen it so many times.  What it looks like isn't reality often.  I was shocked when a marriage I admired ended in divorce with all the crazy stories that went with that-had no clue.  I saw people make something look perfect when it wasn't.  I've seen work fabricated but wasn't done.  We believe in these images that are not really there.  What is in the heart says it all.  You can't fake it.  People talk the talk but what is REALLY in the heart?  Live through your heart.  Peace.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

"Your life can be more joyful if you see the good instead of the bad and realize just how beautiful this world is."-Cathleen Zeller

We can change our day just by changing our feelings.  There is something good in all that happens-some times it just takes longer to find.  Take time to stop if you have to-take a deep breathe, cry, force a smile-then get up and keep going.  No one said the journey would be easy.  EVERYONE must go through tough times-even if it looks like they don't-or how else would we appreciate all that we are surrounded by.  The answer or the solution or the next best thing ever could be just around the bend.  Look at the beauty all around you-someone loves you indeed! Peace.

Monday, August 20, 2012

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."-Winston Churchill

It is better and more fulfilling to give.  In our world we value more what we have.  And yet so many people are unhappy.  Yet giving-not just money but ourselves-brings more rewards than all the money in the world.  And still we look at material things with envy.  What would the world look like if more people were givers? Peace.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

"Life offers you a thousand chances...all you have to do is take one."-Under the Tuscan Sun

All you have to do is take one.  Sounds so simple-just do it.  Yet I have stood at that place-just reach in and do it-why is it so hard?  Some people enjoy the risk taking-not afraid of moving forward-confident that all will work out.  Why am I filled with doubts-fears?  Why can't I just believe that God would not lead me here if He didn't want me to take a leap of faith.  To just let go and TRUST.  To have hope and faith.  It makes perfect sense but so very hard to do!!  Writing this blog is my leap out into the unknown.  It hasn't hurt at all.  It feels safe but I need to do more with it.  Thank you God for letting me jump in slowly-getting use to the temperature of the waters of trust.  Peace!

Friday, August 17, 2012

"Hope is the act of opening our palms day after day, trusting that we'll receive what we need."-Sue Monk Kidd in "Where the Heart Waits"

I love the idea of just holding out your palms and feeling the chains fall off.  The chains of loathing, jealousy, negativity...and feeling the cool breezes of love, caring, positiveness float across your body and your outstretched arms.  Hope and trust.  Small words with lots of meaning.  Why do we fight it?  Let go...Let GOD! Peace.