Friday, September 28, 2012

"Visualize yourself in complete joy, and hold to that no matter what!"- The Secret

This isn't just about picturing yourself in a mansion with tons of money.  It can be as simple as seeing yourself in peace, or finding your dream job, or having a day with no stress.  Many times when I can't sleep I picture myself with people who make me happy enjoying my time with them...and in my happiness I fall asleep at peace and feeling joyful.  Many times I visualize a peaceful day.  When we see we can control our feelings in ways that our positive.  Peace.

"Be in awe and wonder at the magnificence of you!"-Rhonda Byrne

This is not about being conceited or putting on airs-this is about realizing that you are indeed loved with all your imperfections.  Because with every thorn we have a unique flower that grows.  I do not believe God put us here to be perfect but to be loving.  And in those imperfections to grow and learn from so that our roses will bring feelings of joy to others.  Peace.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Joy is a choice-a deliberate, conscious choice.... It's an attitude, not a transitory emotion."-Melody Beattie-"Journey to the Heart"

Life is all about choices.  No matter how someone may try to hurt you-you choose to let it be so by choosing your emotion.  Most of the time no one sets out to hurt us but because of their own choices we may get hurt.  So do you give them more power or control or feel it then let it go.  Feel joy instead.  Look at life around you and you will find something to be joyful about!!  Joy is a gift you give yourself and yes you DESERVE the gift of joy!  Peace.

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Change what you give, and you will always, without exception, change what you receive...."-Rhonda Byrne

Sometimes it is hard to remember this when someone is sending plenty of hurt your way.  Hard to look the other way and send love to that person.  But we really don't know where that hurt is coming from.  Maybe that person needs more love sent to them.  Avoiding the feelings of hurt or resentment is not easy BUT if you can do it- peace can be yours.  Let it go-you only hurt yourself by holding on to the injustices caused by one who needs love to be given to them.  Don't let them hurt you-walk away.  Peace.

Friday, September 14, 2012

"...a dream is a potential which should never be discouraged."-Edmund O'Neill

I believe that God plants a unique dream in each of us that makes the most of our unique talents.  A dream that only we can do.  If we don't do what is in our hearts then who will.  Encourage each dreamer because you never know what could be accomplished if someone had not given up and gone one more step on the journey of life.  Trust what is in your heart and go for it.  Peace.

Thursday, September 13, 2012 the music God pipes in you."-Sue Monk Kidd

So many times I get caught up in the TO DO lists of life.  But God has created the most beautiful place for us to live and grow in.  I doubt that He saw us living by lists and not by joy.  I want to live a more joyful life.  I want to LIVE it! Let's put down the lists and find the joy in our heart by enjoying what God has blessed us with.  Peace!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"Remember that you are a part of a limitless love and you will find strength you never imagined"-Jason Blume

Sometimes it is hard to let go of stuff.  Some days everything looks bleak-it is hard to feel the love all around you.  It is hard to remember that you are so loved.  It is hard to remember that you are WITHIN God.  And on those days-stop.  Look around.  Sit and rest if you must.  Cry if it helps.  Write your feelings down then tear them up and scatter the pieces of paper away just as you scatter those feelings.  Let it all go and look deep down into the love.  You are loved indeed.  Peace.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Faith is not believing God can-it is knowing He will."

Faith is what will get you through any problem that could arise.  Faith that God is there every step of the way.  Faith that you have the strength to go through it.  Faith that all will work out for the best if not quite the way you had pictured.  Faith that you are loved.  Peace.

Monday, September 3, 2012

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."-JRR Tolkien

God gives us the gift of life.  He doesn't tell us how we must live.  He lets us decide.  Will we make the most of our decisions or will we fail to LIVE?  Free will gives us choices.  How will you decide?  Peace.