No one else can do your job in this world-no one. It might be a HUGE job or a small one but only you can do it. We all know how unique we all are so why do we compete or compare? We were made to be unique for a reason. We don't need to earn it and we are not graded or rewarded based on someone's idea of success. You have your own skills and talents. You have your own lessons to learn. You are who you are meant to be in this world. Now go and do it! Peace.
Words have so many meanings and put together words can inspire us like nothing else. Words are inspirational. Words are motivating. Words make us think. Words can make this a better world. This blog is meant to help light your journey. It does not give you answers because that is for you to do but maybe you will see more clearly. I hope you are encouraged and motivated. Peace.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
"Let go of the need to prove yourself to others....Could it be the one you're really been trying to prove something to is yourself? The answer is easy: learn to approve of yourself. Love and accept yourself the way you are today. Then step right up and take your place in the universe"-Melody Beattie
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
"What you can do, maybe I can't do...and what I can do, maybe you can't do. But together we can do something beautiful...."-Mother Teresa
Each of us has unique qualities that we were created with. We each have our own journey and purpose. So why do we compare? If we are so busy looking on the other side of the fence we will miss all the beauty in our own yard. AND even more important we won't be doing what we were meant to do. Even if what you do is what you consider to be small compared to Mother Teresa, it won't be to the one who needed what you provided. Be you for no one else can! Peace.
"Be patient and persistent. Life is not so much what you accomplish as what you overcome."-Robin Roberts
When you look at someone who enters your life, you see the outside. You do not see what is on the inside-their heart and soul, their character, their being. We are each meant to go on our own journey. Do not assume that what you see is it. Who that person is lies in the container of the body. Look deeper. See through your eyes to what lies deeper. Peace.
"If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment."-Henry David Thoreau
Even rocky shores hold so much beauty. Why? There are reasons that will be revealed as you continue on your journey. Don't compare. Don't have a pity party. Stand up and just take one step. It will be the hardest but each additional step will be so much easier to take. Peace.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
"It is not with the noise of words, but with the longing of our hearts that God hears us."-Saint Teresa of Avila
I believe that God hears our hearts. Our words may say that we want a certain person in our life but God hears our hearts say that we are lonely and sends us someone to help with that feeling but it might not be that person-it could be not even a person at all. Or do we want that perfect job that pays so much but God hears our heart say that we really want a job that fulfills our passion no matter what the pay. God does answer but thank goodness those answers are based on what our heart says and not our words which get caught up with ego. Peace.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
"Do not allow fear of what if to ruin the joy of what is."-Melody Beattie
This happens to me more than it should. I trust that all will work out for the best-the way it is suppose to. I do believe that all things happen for a reason the way that they should. And still there is fear-WHY?? Because in the end-whether my fear becomes reality-I just handle it- or all works out amazing-better than I could have imagined. Stop with FEAR!! Trust. Peace.
Friday, September 28, 2012
"Visualize yourself in complete joy, and hold to that no matter what!"- The Secret
This isn't just about picturing yourself in a mansion with tons of money. It can be as simple as seeing yourself in peace, or finding your dream job, or having a day with no stress. Many times when I can't sleep I picture myself with people who make me happy enjoying my time with them...and in my happiness I fall asleep at peace and feeling joyful. Many times I visualize a peaceful day. When we see we can control our feelings in ways that our positive. Peace.
"Be in awe and wonder at the magnificence of you!"-Rhonda Byrne
This is not about being conceited or putting on airs-this is about realizing that you are indeed loved with all your imperfections. Because with every thorn we have a unique flower that grows. I do not believe God put us here to be perfect but to be loving. And in those imperfections to grow and learn from so that our roses will bring feelings of joy to others. Peace.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
"Joy is a choice-a deliberate, conscious choice.... It's an attitude, not a transitory emotion."-Melody Beattie-"Journey to the Heart"
Life is all about choices. No matter how someone may try to hurt you-you choose to let it be so by choosing your emotion. Most of the time no one sets out to hurt us but because of their own choices we may get hurt. So do you give them more power or control or feel it then let it go. Feel joy instead. Look at life around you and you will find something to be joyful about!! Joy is a gift you give yourself and yes you DESERVE the gift of joy! Peace.
Monday, September 17, 2012
"Change what you give, and you will always, without exception, change what you receive...."-Rhonda Byrne
Sometimes it is hard to remember this when someone is sending plenty of hurt your way. Hard to look the other way and send love to that person. But we really don't know where that hurt is coming from. Maybe that person needs more love sent to them. Avoiding the feelings of hurt or resentment is not easy BUT if you can do it- peace can be yours. Let it go-you only hurt yourself by holding on to the injustices caused by one who needs love to be given to them. Don't let them hurt you-walk away. Peace.
Friday, September 14, 2012
"...a dream is a potential which should never be discouraged."-Edmund O'Neill
I believe that God plants a unique dream in each of us that makes the most of our unique talents. A dream that only we can do. If we don't do what is in our hearts then who will. Encourage each dreamer because you never know what could be accomplished if someone had not given up and gone one more step on the journey of life. Trust what is in your heart and go for it. Peace.
Thursday, September 13, 2012 the music God pipes in you."-Sue Monk Kidd
So many times I get caught up in the TO DO lists of life. But God has created the most beautiful place for us to live and grow in. I doubt that He saw us living by lists and not by joy. I want to live a more joyful life. I want to LIVE it! Let's put down the lists and find the joy in our heart by enjoying what God has blessed us with. Peace!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
"Remember that you are a part of a limitless love and you will find strength you never imagined"-Jason Blume
Sometimes it is hard to let go of stuff. Some days everything looks bleak-it is hard to feel the love all around you. It is hard to remember that you are so loved. It is hard to remember that you are WITHIN God. And on those days-stop. Look around. Sit and rest if you must. Cry if it helps. Write your feelings down then tear them up and scatter the pieces of paper away just as you scatter those feelings. Let it all go and look deep down into the love. You are loved indeed. Peace.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
"Faith is not believing God can-it is knowing He will."
Faith is what will get you through any problem that could arise. Faith that God is there every step of the way. Faith that you have the strength to go through it. Faith that all will work out for the best if not quite the way you had pictured. Faith that you are loved. Peace.
Monday, September 3, 2012
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."-JRR Tolkien
God gives us the gift of life. He doesn't tell us how we must live. He lets us decide. Will we make the most of our decisions or will we fail to LIVE? Free will gives us choices. How will you decide? Peace.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies."-Martin Luther King Jr.
This is the hardest lesson to learn. It helps if I picture us all within a large circle enveloped with God's love. No one is more or less loved by God. He knows why people make the choices they do. We don't know the circumstances nor can we see inside their hearts. But it helps me to remember that no matter how much or how little it may seem someone is loved-it is all the same. God loves us all the same. So if I am hurt by another-I hurt myself by holding onto the hurt-reliving it day after day-let it go. I am not saying we should let others go out to do harm to us or others-we can do what we can to stop the hurt then let it go. God knows and God will take care of it. Peace.
Monday, August 27, 2012
"All the destinations that we have and strive to get to and scurry to be on time for mean nothing, however much they are touted and advertised. The wonders are to be found on the way to those places; what really matters and is worth seeing and experiencing happens on the way to those destinations."-Frank Crocitto-Insight is Better Than Ice Cream
Life will be better when I get that new house. Life will be better when I get that new car. Life will be better when I get that new job. Life will be better when I am married. Life will be better when I lose 20 pounds. Why are we wishing our lives away. Nothing wrong with having dreams and aspirations but getting there will not make life better. We focus so much on the end product and put our heads down and trudge along. Stop. Look around. Don't miss all the gifts in front of you. Admire the road you have been on...look where you are. Lessons are learned on the road of life not just at destination points. Don't miss out. Live now. Peace.
Friday, August 24, 2012
"trust in the possibilities alive within you. Rise above the storm until the sun peeks through; reach out and touch the stars within your reach. Let your spirits rise as freely as the wind. Open your heart to miracles, and follow it all the way to your dreams."-Linda E. Knight
Why worry? Worry does not change the outcome. Worry only causes issues with your feelings. Can't change what is happening so why worry-can only change how you feel. Trust. Believe. Have faith and hope. Someone is pulling for you. Reach out. Step forward. Go around the bend. Believing that something good is just ahead is better than thinking it isn't. Peace!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
"May the paths you walk and the roads you travel take you to amazing places. Places where you see the possibilities, where you discover what it's like when dreams come true, and where you come to understand the promise and the potential of all the wonderful qualities inside of you."-Alin Austin
God has a plan for each of us and it is different for everyone. As we are all created differently so God's plans for us are just as different so why do we compare ourselves to others???Be who you are meant to be-follow your own path-enjoy YOUR life!! Trust that His plans for you are more than you could have ever imagined and if your life seems far from patient and trust that your path is heading where it needs to go and the best is yet to come. Believe. Peace.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
"One's philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes."-Eleanor Roosevelt
For many-it is all what it looks like. I have seen it so many times. What it looks like isn't reality often. I was shocked when a marriage I admired ended in divorce with all the crazy stories that went with that-had no clue. I saw people make something look perfect when it wasn't. I've seen work fabricated but wasn't done. We believe in these images that are not really there. What is in the heart says it all. You can't fake it. People talk the talk but what is REALLY in the heart? Live through your heart. Peace.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
"Your life can be more joyful if you see the good instead of the bad and realize just how beautiful this world is."-Cathleen Zeller
We can change our day just by changing our feelings. There is something good in all that happens-some times it just takes longer to find. Take time to stop if you have to-take a deep breathe, cry, force a smile-then get up and keep going. No one said the journey would be easy. EVERYONE must go through tough times-even if it looks like they don't-or how else would we appreciate all that we are surrounded by. The answer or the solution or the next best thing ever could be just around the bend. Look at the beauty all around you-someone loves you indeed! Peace.
Monday, August 20, 2012
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."-Winston Churchill
It is better and more fulfilling to give. In our world we value more what we have. And yet so many people are unhappy. Yet giving-not just money but ourselves-brings more rewards than all the money in the world. And still we look at material things with envy. What would the world look like if more people were givers? Peace.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
"Life offers you a thousand chances...all you have to do is take one."-Under the Tuscan Sun
All you have to do is take one. Sounds so simple-just do it. Yet I have stood at that place-just reach in and do it-why is it so hard? Some people enjoy the risk taking-not afraid of moving forward-confident that all will work out. Why am I filled with doubts-fears? Why can't I just believe that God would not lead me here if He didn't want me to take a leap of faith. To just let go and TRUST. To have hope and faith. It makes perfect sense but so very hard to do!! Writing this blog is my leap out into the unknown. It hasn't hurt at all. It feels safe but I need to do more with it. Thank you God for letting me jump in slowly-getting use to the temperature of the waters of trust. Peace!
Friday, August 17, 2012
"Hope is the act of opening our palms day after day, trusting that we'll receive what we need."-Sue Monk Kidd in "Where the Heart Waits"
I love the idea of just holding out your palms and feeling the chains fall off. The chains of loathing, jealousy, negativity...and feeling the cool breezes of love, caring, positiveness float across your body and your outstretched arms. Hope and trust. Small words with lots of meaning. Why do we fight it? Let go...Let GOD! Peace.
Monday, July 16, 2012
"Storms make trees take deeper roots."-Dolly Parton
Choices all have consequences. That is how we learn. Babies take small beginning steps and fall down. But they eventually learn from each experience of falling down. They learn what works and what doesn't. They get stronger. They experience success because they learn as they don't give up. If as a parent we constantly caught them before they fell-the learning would not be the same. They would walk later but the experience has not taught them about themselves or their abilities. And they most certainly will not feel the same level of accomplishment. A parent who is there constantly to catch their child before the fall does not love their child more. In my opinion they just want to keep that child attached to them Even mother birds need to let their babies leave the nest-but that is when they fly! Growing roots after a storm will hurt. The benefits outweigh the pain. Fly! Peace.
"Often God delays purposely, and the delay is just as much an answer to your prayer as is the fullfillment when it comes"-Emilie Barnes
We pray and we pray and we pray. But we don't get what we asked for. What does that mean? Sometimes we think it is because God has abandoned us. I believe He is right there-holding our hand with a look of sorrow and tears on His face. God does not want to say no-just as a parent does not want to say no to his/her beloved child. But with God-He sees what is next on the road ahead of us. He knows that either what we want is not good enough for us, or we have a better route ahead, or maybe we just aren't ready for what we want. Trust. Wait and see the goodness. Peace.
Monday, July 2, 2012
"What looks like Plan B to me may be God's Plan A all along."-Mary Tunison
I do feel that we are on a journey and often come to a crossroad. We have a choice to make that is often made during stressful times so we are not always listening to our heart. So we make a wrong choice-notice I said wrong not bad. But I believe that God just says- okay they aren't ready yet- they have more to learn. And HE lets us learn those lessons and then our path will eventually lead to where we need to be anyways-where our heart resides. The choice is ours but all works out as it is suppose to work out every time. Peace.
Friday, June 29, 2012
"Hectic lives don't permit one to hear the heartbeat of the soul"-Emilie Barnes
We need to take time to listen to our heart, our soul, Spirit, God-to just be one with who we are created to be. If we don't take time to look within ourselves then how can we do the job we were put here to do? How can we know if we are on the right path? How can we learn lessons to help others? BE SELFISH!! Take time to reflect and LISTEN. Peace.
Monday, June 11, 2012
"I don't hold to the idea that God causes suffering and crisis. I just know that those things come along and God uses them . We think life should be a nice, clean ascending line. But inevitably something waunders onto the scene and creates havoc with the nice way we've arranged life to fall into place.... Stuff happens."- Sue Monk Kidd
I keep going back to the idea of trust. We were talking to friends this weekend about why bad stuff happens. I do believe that God does not make it happen. Bad happens because God has given us the gift of choice. Bad happens from Bad choices and that has a rippling effect but because God loves us he tries to turn the bad into a positive life lesson for us. We can't control life. Trust comes into play. It is so hard to come to that cliff and just let go but I believe that is how we will fly- trust that God is with you no matter what. Peace!
Friday, May 25, 2012
"Never worry about what anyone else is doing...Just swim your own race."-Dara Torres
I love this saying!We do need to stop worrying what is happening to someone else and stop comparing. What is happening to them is important for their journey and has NOTHING to do with our journey! If we are always looking over at another road-we may not see where we are headed and miss so much. Enjoy where you are!!Stop competing. Stop comparing. Your life will be amazing too but it will be YOUR life. Peace!
Friday, May 4, 2012
" are happily participating in God's vision for you.... We move from the driver's seat to being a happy passenger, one who is still allowed to make helpful suggestions to the Driver. We in our own unique soul as never before...and taking our place in the great and general dance."-Richard Rohr-Falling Upward
I love this selection because when life pressures me, it brings me such calm. Let go, Let God. I can still talk to God but I know He has my best interests at heart. He knows my place in this journey and the plans that go with it. I can choose. But I NEED to choose peace and joy! Peace.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
"...the gaze of God receives us exactly as we are, without judgment or distortion....Being totally received as we truly are is what we wait and long for all our lives. All we can do is receive and return the loving gaze of God every day, and afterwards we will be internally free and deeply happy at the same time. The One who knows all has no trouble including, accepting, and forgiving all. Soon we who are gazed upon so perfectly can pass on the same accepting gaze to all others who need it. There is no longer any question 'Does he or she deserve it?' What we received was totally undeserved itself."-Richard Rohr
Such a feeling of love came over me after doing this reading. It is so easy to get caught up with the blame game but the truth is that God loves me no matter what as He does to ALL people even ones who hurt me or mine. There is no need to feel negativity, jealousy, or competition. God loves us all and wants us all to be happy-no matter what. Peace.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
"Isn't life glorious! Isn't it grand! Here-take it-hold it tightly in your hand; Squeeze every drop of it into your soul. Drink of the joy of it, sun-sweet and whole! Laugh with the love of it, burst into song! Scatter its richness as you stride along! Isn't life splendid-and isn't it great. We can always start living-it's never too late!"-Helen Louise Marshall
Sorrow happens. And when it does it seems impossible to imagine joy. But at those times more than at any other times-we must not lose sight of joy-of hope. Even after a dark night of pitch-black skies comes the beautiful light of day. Light=hope=joy! Joy is yours to have - you choose it. No one can take it from you because it is inside you hidden deep where no one can steal it. Even if all seems lost-look around and you will SEE something however small to feel joyful about. Even our hardest lessons hold the promise of learning and moving forward. Be joyful and at peace.
Friday, April 20, 2012
"I need to slow down and I'm asking the Lord to help me do it. I want to move slowly enough to be aware of all the joys He has hidden for me. I want to slow down enough to grow as He wants me to grow. I want to be quiet enough to hear His voice. I need His wisdom to know how to spend my time and how to order my days."-Kathryn Hillen
Sometimes we are so busy trying to get to our destination that we forget to look around at all the beauty and joy that is available to us every day. I feel so blessed to be retired and can finally have the courage to slow down my life. What was I trying to prove? I have a "To Do List" but it is okay to not do it all today!! It is okay not to have instant gratification! It is okay to wait and ponder and grow and learn. Thank you for all the joys today and every day-from small to big. Peace.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
"I do believe there is a good chance that with the loss of someone terribly important, you grieve till you die. And yet you are perfectly capable of embracing life and what you bring to it and vice versa. I think that is the positive side of understanding that how we accept death is very much about how we accept life...."-Yvette Nachmias-Baeu as told to Faye Trafford-in Grace magazine
I think it is true about all situations that happen to us. We have a choice. Even through our darkest moments, we must trust. We must have faith or how would we endure? I believe as this writer does-it is about how you live your life. Why would you choose to be miserable? Choose to endure-power through. Peace.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work at it, however."-Richard Bach- "Illusions"
We are given dreams for a reason. I believe they are nudges from God to do the work we are meant to do as only we can. We can't give up even if it seems to be taking a long time. I think it is just a way for us to grow into our dreams. When the time is right-it will be. We have to believe and trust. It will happen but you have to work at it or you wouldn't appreciate the joy that will come as your dreams are realized. Peace.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"Joy is a choice-a deliberate, conscious choice. That choice is available to us each day. Our joy isn't controlled by others or by outward circumstances. Joy comes from a deeper place, a place of security within ourselves. It's an attitude, not a transitory emotion. Remember to be kind. Remember to be loving.... But most of all, remember to be happy."-Journey to the Heart-Melody Beattie
I believe that gratitude and joy are a couple that need to go hand in hand. You can't feel one without the other. I read once that joy feels good and if you don't feel it you feel bad. Feeling negative takes more energy so being joyful is easier. Sounds good but I think we have learned such bad habits that it is natural to switch from joy to a negative emotion whether it be resentment, anger, distrust, or jealousy to name a few. It is work to remind myself to REALLY feel grateful and thus the joy that goes with it. I have to practice it daily. It sure does feel good! I wish you joy and peace.
Monday, April 16, 2012
"A coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous."-Unknown author
I believe that coincidences- or miracles- are like little nudges or love taps from God on our journey through life. I believe it is His way of saying that we are on the right path or need to adjust to the right path. I believe and have seen many times where everything works out just the way it should. Those are not coincidences-they are miracles. Those are times where we say-WOW! It is amazing how it all worked out. Miracles before us indeed. Stop and realize how many miracles happen each day and be thankful for them all. You are loved. Peace.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."-Albert Einstein or "You have the choice each day to wake up and say 'Good morning, God' or 'Good God, morning!'. It's always a choice."-Dr. Wayne Dyer
Living life and just accepting whatever happens does not bring joy. But look again-see with the eyes of gratitude. Think thank you over and over as you look as things happen as the day goes along. Gratitude brings such joy because you appreciate so much and that brings even more to appreciate. Even on a bad day-the choice is ours to appreciate. It feels good- I promise- try it! Peace.
Friday, April 13, 2012
"God helps us to do what we can, and endure what we must, even in the darkest hours. But more, He wants to teach us that there are no rainbows without storm clouds and there are no diamonds without heavy pressure and enormous heat."-Unknown
There are no guarantees in life. We will have good days and bad days. It is all about how we choose to handle them that matters. Look at the glass half full or half empty. It is hard to stay positive when life around you seems to be falling apart. Rest if you must but go on and believe that it will get better. Sometimes we must see the ugly to appreciate the beauty coming our way. Peace.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
"Your ego's job isn't to serve you. It's only job is to keep itself in power. And right now, your ego's scared to death cuz it's about to get downsized. You keep up this spiritual path, baby, and that bad boy's days are numbered. Pretty soon your ego will be out of work, and your heart'll be making all the decisions. So your ego's fighting for it's life, playing with your mind, trying to assert its authority, trying to keep you cornered off in a holding pen away from the rest of the universe. Don't listen to it."-Eat, Pray, Love-Elizabeth Gilbert
Sometimes I feel like the ego is trying to be reasonable but if it doesn't feel good it is ego. To feel, see, hear, and live through your heart is not easy and is a daily struggle. But it is the only way to feel joy, contentment, gratitude, and peace. It is a battle worth the fight. Peace.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
"Feel all your feelings. Although you may need to feel angry for a while, clear all resentments from your heart as soon as possible. Say good-bye with blessings and love toward the other, thanking that person for all he or she has helped you learn. Remember that any curses you place on another will ultimately come back to harm you, too. Grieve your losses. Say your good-byes. Then let each travel down the road that he or she needs to go. Holding on won't help. Let both be free to plan their own journeys, map their own trips, and embrace and enjoy their own destinies. "-Journey to the Heart-Melody Beattie
Sometimes we have to let go whether it is a loved one or friend or job or lifestyle. It hurts. But let go you must. Wanting revenge or even saying karma will get them is still holding on. You want peace. Forgive and move on having learned valuable lessons so you can go further on your journey. I have had to say good-bye for many reasons. Not easy to do. But sometimes stumbling blocks are placed before us and we need to go over or around to get to the joy awaiting us on the other side. Trust and move on. Peace.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
"If you think God leads you only beside still waters, think again. God will also lead you beside turbulent waters. If you have the courage to enter, you'll think you're drowning. But actually you're being churned into something new.... Dive in."-Sue Monk Kidd
Life can be difficult at times. But when I look at my bad times, I feel stronger and better having gone through rough seas. It isn't easy to see your children struggle but they need to learn too. They need to learn that through a tough experience they are stronger and more confident in who they are. We can't rob them of their learning experiences no matter how much we love them. I believe that is like God. Peace.
Friday, April 6, 2012
"A child makes many mistakes while learning how to ride a bike or write, and we don't give it a second thought because we know that through their mistakes they will learn and eventually master what they're trying to do. So why is it that adults are so hard on themselves when they make a mistake? The same rule that applies to children also applies to you. We all make mistakes, and if we didn't make them we'd never learn anything, and we wouldn't grow any smarter or wiser."-The Magic- Rhonda Byrne
I know I am harder on myself than anyone else is on me. I don't like to make mistakes. But we can't give up. If a mistake is made-correct it. Don't sit there wallowing that you are unworthy-that is ego's control. Ego does not want us closer to God. Ego wants us to give up. Ego acts as a "anti-spiritual virus in our mind"-Allen Watson. But if we learn to forgive our mistakes and give them no power then we are a step closer to our Spirit self. If a mistake happens-forgive, correct it, and go on stronger. But I think the worst mistake is to let fear of making a mistake hold you hostage-then you are stuck. Take a risk. Peace.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Jesus said, "I don't want to be first among a list of values; I want to be at the center of everything. When I live in you, then together we can live through everything that happens to you. Rather than a pyramid, I want to be the center of a mobile, where everything in your life-your friends, family, occupation, thoughts, activities-is connected to me but moves with the wind, in and out and back and forth, in an incredible dance of being."-The Shack-WM. Paul Young
I LOVE the visualization that I receive with this quote! I think we often put God at the top but it makes so much more sense if He is in the center-totally different feelings emerge. At the top sounds like a list where I have my priorities in order. But if He is in the center-all flows effortlessly and beautiful. God should be more than a priority. He should be all, and everything will then be set into motion. I want him in my center. Peace.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
"We needn't be in a hurry to reap the results of our efforts faster than the world can bestow them. Being alive means doing the best we can and then letting nature take its course. We plant a seed, nurture it, water it, and let it be. Knowing there's a bigger picture than what we see in front of us, even if it isn't perfectly clear, allows us to be more peaceful, to learn as things develop."-Sharon Salzberg
Patience is not my strong point. I ask, work, and wait. But my time is not God's time. And God has more to think of then me. He has to put the whole world into just the right order. So patience is important. But it all boils down to trust AGAIN!! Trust that God hears, trust that the best is coming, trust that I am loved. Peace my friends.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
"All I ask you to do today is to open "the eyes of your eyes" and give your life another glance....Then pause for a moment and give thanks. Let your heart awaken to the transforming power of gratefulness....Every time we remember to say "thank you" we experience nothing less than Heaven on earth."-Sarah Ban Breathnach
Every day I easily can find 5 things that I am grateful for. I write them in a journal. It is how I begin each day and lately I have also been thinking about the best thing that happened that day before I go to bed. So gratitude is first in the morning and last at night. It has filled me with peace and joy. I hope that for you too. I hope that these sayings on my posts are helping people-that is my goal-as St. Francis Assisi said-"Where there is darkness, let me sow light." Open your heart and listen to the written words with your heart and not just your mind. Peace.
Monday, April 2, 2012
"Praise every single thing you see. Be a ray of sunshine to everyone.... Say "Thank you" at every turn. Walk, talk, think, and breathe appreciation and gratitude. When you do this, your outer life will change to reflect your inner state of being."-Rhonda Byrne
I have always believed in the power of gratitude. Every day I write in a journal beginning with 5 things/people that I am grateful for. However over the last 20 days of lent I have been concentrating on REALLY feeling gratitude and constantly saying "Thank you". And have I noticed a big difference. I feel so much more at peace. With that peace comes trust and joy. It is so worth it. Try it. REALLY try it. Peace.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
"You are who you are for a reason. You're part of an intricate plan. You're a precious and perfect unique design, called God's special woman or man. You look like you look for a reason. Our God made no mistake. He knit you together within the womb, You're just what he wanted to make."-Russell Kelfer
You were meant to be. You are not an accident. We are where we are meant to be. Each of us plays a role in others' lives too. We all are meant to touch others' lives. We have jobs to fulfill that no one else can because we were made especially to do those jobs. You are special-God does not make mistakes. Now go forward knowing you are much loved. Peace.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
"Though we may not understand the whys of our circumstances, by thanking God we grow to acknowledge that He is in control-that He can be trusted. We learn to release our iron-tight grip on our circumstances, and we experience a much-welcome reprieve from worry....The antidote for anxiety is to pray with thanksgiving.... The act of gratitude reminds us that God is worthy of our trust."-Debbie Macomber
I believe that trust is the key to peace and happiness and the road to trust includes gratitude. I have seen the power of gratitude in my life. I see it and still a part of me tries to fight it. I don't know why. I guess that is why I am still learning and still striving. I am writing this blog because I was told to write it. Trust. Look around-we have so much to be grateful for even when things don't go as we want. I often tell my adult children-if life isn't moving how you want it to-slow down-ask yourself why. Listen and trust the answer that comes to you. Be grateful for the gifts and the lessons-they are the bricks that lay the pavement on the road/journey we are on. Peace.
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