Words have so many meanings and put together words can inspire us like nothing else. Words are inspirational. Words are motivating. Words make us think. Words can make this a better world. This blog is meant to help light your journey. It does not give you answers because that is for you to do but maybe you will see more clearly. I hope you are encouraged and motivated. Peace.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
"Though we may not understand the whys of our circumstances, by thanking God we grow to acknowledge that He is in control-that He can be trusted. We learn to release our iron-tight grip on our circumstances, and we experience a much-welcome reprieve from worry....The antidote for anxiety is to pray with thanksgiving.... The act of gratitude reminds us that God is worthy of our trust."-Debbie Macomber
I believe that trust is the key to peace and happiness and the road to trust includes gratitude. I have seen the power of gratitude in my life. I see it and still a part of me tries to fight it. I don't know why. I guess that is why I am still learning and still striving. I am writing this blog because I was told to write it. Trust. Look around-we have so much to be grateful for even when things don't go as we want. I often tell my adult children-if life isn't moving how you want it to-slow down-ask yourself why. Listen and trust the answer that comes to you. Be grateful for the gifts and the lessons-they are the bricks that lay the pavement on the road/journey we are on. Peace.
Friday, March 30, 2012
"Being at one with what is doesn't mean you no longer initiate change or become incapable of taking action. But the motivation to take action comes from a deeper level, not from egoic wanting or fearing. Inner alignment with the present moment opens your consciousness and brings it into alignment with the whole, of which the present moment is an integral part. The whole, the totality of life, then acts through you."-Eckhart Tolle
Knowing on a deep level who you are and what you need to do should give you peace. You should feel that you are where you need to be. If it doesn't feel right then you need to ask yourself questions. I believe that true peace comes when you are on the right road for you. It won't be the same as someone else but we are all connected but only one person can be on your road doing your work-you. When you live now-in the present-you enjoy life more. It isn't a destination-it is a journey. Trust your heart. Listen. Peace.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
"Blessed are those who trust in the Lord.... They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit."- Jeremiah 17:7-8
I do believe that learning to trust is why we are here. It is what so many of us need to learn- a very important life lesson. No matter what storm hits you, to have the trust to stand strong believing and trusting. Trees often get battered by storms and wind and weather but they stand strong with roots well imbedded. We all should take a lesson from that tree and stand strong trusting that all is well or soon will be. Peace.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"Sometimes, when we don't have the courage to change, everything changes around us to direct us to a new path."-Rhonda Byrne
I believe that sometimes when we are headed in a wrong direction, we know it. It doesn't feel right. Our heart tells us but we get so caught up in that way of life or we are too scared to change. But when we are headed in the right direction then everything starts working out. We might call that fate but it is because we are in the right direction. I have experienced this when I made a job change-it was amazing how each step worked out perfectly at just the right time. It was meant to be. Peace!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
"...this life path we're following now isn't exactly well marked. It's more like one of the faint, overgrown trails in the woods across the road than a paved roadway-barely visible at times, not found on any map, discerned more by feeling and intuition than by knowing.... Much as I might wish for a GPS for life, it seems that we're destined, for now, anyway, to bushwhack."-Katrina Kenison-The Gift of an Ordinary Day
A GPS for life-what an AWESOME idea. So many times I have been at a crossroad and just not sure which way to go. I want to pick the right choice. It can be a very scary thing to do. I know I need to trust that I can listen to my heart and just do it. In the end even if we chose wrong, I believe, that you end back on the right road anyways having learned many lessons on the way. So I guess just don't sweat it-trust and move forward and enjoy the sights along the way. Peace.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
"There are times when you choose to believe something that would normally be considered absolutely irrational. It doesn't mean that it is actually irrational, but it surely is not rational. Perhaps there is suprarationality: reason beyond the normal definitions of fact or data-based logic; something that only makes sense if you can see a bigger picture of reality. Maybe that is where faith fits in."-W.M. Paul Young-The Shack
We are not meant to see the WHOLE picture or even the ending picture before we get there. We think we want to know but I think it would just be TOO much for us to handle. That is why we must have faith and trust that since God knows how it needs to work out perfectly for our journey as well as everyone's-that all will be the very best. Have faith and trust. Peace.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
"I used to think that when I had a conflict, the only way to become peaceful again was to make a decision, to resolve the conflict. It rarely worked....Lately I've begun to realize that if I put becoming peaceful at the top of the list, if I choose to be peaceful first, before making my decision..., the decision becomes simple.... When I put peace first, I just know what to do."-Allen Watson
Why is it so hard to hand over the reigns-to trust-to believe-to have faith? I feel very close to God and still I struggle with this. I believe this is my mountain to overcome. Some days, I am successful but other times not so much. I have plenty of proof! And as these words say-when I let go and put peace first-all works out for the very best. Today I will put peace first and tomorrow that will be my goal too. Day by day. Peace.
Friday, March 23, 2012
"As I see it, there's a decision we all have to make, and it seems perfectly captured in the Winnie-the-Pooh characters created by A.A. Milne. Each of us must decide: Am I a fun-loving Tigger or am I a sad-sack Eeyore? Pick a camp."- Randy Pausch
I feel like it is also another way of saying something I have read before-you can believe everything is a miracle or nothing is. If you look at life with such happiness and thankfulness as Tigger does you will only bring more. Nothing will get you down. Problems are only that because you have not started the solution. I actually love Winnie the most. He is like them both. But I could work on being more like Tigger. Peace.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
"I do not ask to walk smooth paths nor bear an easy load. I pray for strength and fortitude to climb the rock-strewn road. Give me such courage I can scale the hardest peaks alone, and transform every stumbling block into a steppingstone."-Gail Brook Burket
You are not alone. You only have to ask. Yes God sees you need Him and loves you so and wants to jump in. But as all good parents know you need to let your loved ones try it on their own because that is how they learn lessons and have faith and trust. He is waiting. When I pray because of problems I have or my loved ones have, I do not pray for a certain outcome, I pray for strength and love so solutions will come. Strength and love to all of you. Peace.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward."-Soren Kierkegaard
Many times in my life I have wondered why something had to go the way it did. There would be so much pain and hurt. But I really think God just wants us to trust him. We would never learn to trust if things always worked out the way we thought they should. We don't always know what is best because we can't see what is ahead but God does see. We need to trust in that He will choose better than we could ever have known. Kristin Hannah wrote in her book- Angel Falls-"Faith in God will be your floor....Do not be afraid to stand on it." I love that! Peace.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
"God does not command that we do great things, only little things with great love."-Mother Teresa
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Such small words with so much power. Little things that we can do to help people, saying thank you, listening to others, and giving support. Let someone know you care and say thank you. Do these with love in your heart. Peace.
Monday, March 19, 2012
"Gratitude is an act of grace, a way of blessing yourself into a future abundance of gifts. For when we are grateful we open a channel of receiving in ourselves."-Daphne Rose Kingma
Gratitude really is an attitude that we choose. We say thank you but we really need to feel it. Not so we receive more but that is the result. I believe in being thankful because it makes me really look at my life and then I can feel happy and at peace. We need to stay in the present and appreciate all that we see. We receive so many gifts every day. Take the time to say thank you and really mean it! Peace my friend and thank you.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
"It is God who enables you to smile in spite of tears; to carry on when you feel like giving in; to pray when you're at a loss for words; to love even though your heart has been broken time and time again. It is God who enables you to sit calmly when you feel like throwing up your hands in frustration; to be understanding when nothing seems to make sense; to listen when you'd rather not hear; to share your feelings with others because sharing is necessary to ease the load. Anything is possible because God makes it so."-Faye Sweeney
Even Jesus fell as He carried his cross. It was a heavy cross to bear. Three times he fell from the weight of his load. But He got back up and continued to carry that cross despite His weakened state. He let others help Him. But He continued on the journey that was His to make. Despite how hard life can be, we need to continue to pick up the crosses of life and go on. We can stumble, we can fall. But we mustn't give up because our paradise is just around the corner. Keep going!!Peace.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
"When there is a big change of energy which affects our lives, we often label it as 'bad' and cause ourselves sorrow, pain, and suffering by resisting that change. But you always have a choice. In the Universe there is never just one way, and you are never trapped with no way out, no matter what has occurred. In every circumstance and moment of your life there are two paths available to you. The two paths are the positive and the negative, and YOU are the one who chooses which path you will take."-Daily Teachings-The Secret
Who knows why life goes astray. But it sometimes does, but does it really? Maybe a message has been sent and we have lessons to learn. If we are headed in the right direction-it will work out. If we are not, then following a different path will lead us to where we need to go. So if it will eventually all work out then why not choose to be positive. Being negative does not feel good so why go there? Why not be positive and count your blessings instead of your complaints? Being grateful for all that is happening is the answer. So when life seems so negative-thank you for the lessons. And when life is positive-thank you for my many blessings. Peace.
Friday, March 16, 2012
"There is always a part of us that wants to believe in rainbows. No matter how difficult our lives become, we aspire to find that curve in the road that takes us to a different place. We watch for the mountains that transcend the valleys in our lives. When clouds obscure our vision and the journey seems impossible, the sun shines again in our lives....I believe in rainbows...and in you."-Josie Willis
Just keep on going. We forget that our idea of time and God's is different since we reference our lifetime and He references many lifetimes. We need to learn patience. A seed is sown only with time, patience and care. A caterpillar does eventually turn into a butterfly. Just enjoy the ride-the now. Stop waiting for the tomorrow-work towards it but enjoy and be grateful for now. Being grateful for now ensures rainbows for tomorrow. But remember for there to be a rainbow, some rain must fall. Peace!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
"Sometimes when we least expect it, a door closes in our lives. Circumstances may change, dreams may get shattered, and plans for tomorrow may disappear. But when one door closes, God opens another. When we're facing disappointment in our lives, sometimes it's hard to see that this is also part of God's plan- but it's true. God knows what is best for us, and He will lead us to where we need to be."-B.L. McDaniel
So many times when I have been disappointed by life I remember crying out why. How that must have made God weep. He knew why. I couldn't see. I only felt so hurt and so alone. It was hard to trust. It was hard to believe that all would be okay. But now when I look back on some of my darkest moments, I see that I was loved and that all worked out better than I could have planned for myself. So I have learned to trust and believe that all will indeed work out for the very best after I let go, learn my lessons, and trust. Peace my friends.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
"Remember that no one can ever make your choices for you. What you do with your life is your own choice. How you decide to live your life and achieve your goals is up to you, and no one but you. Mistakes will be made, but you can learn from them...."-Jodi R. Ernst
I have always found that when I listened to my heart that it never has lead me astray. Sometimes we are confused and ask for other opinions but I have found that if I switched from what I knew in my heart I should do then I was never happy with the results. I have learned to trust my instincts and I have never been happier. Others can't choose for you unless you let them. If you need a confidant, make sure it is one who listens more and lets you decide. Even with our children as they become older, they need to make their own decisions by listening to what their heart says for that is how they will be happy and learn to trust. Even if a mistake is made- it is their lessons to learn-we can't do that for them. Let them go and spread their wings for that is what you have taught them. Peace.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
"I believe in your mind and all the dreams, intelligence, and determination within you. You can accomplish anything. You have so much open to you, so please don't give up on what you want from life or from yourself. Please don't put away the dreams inside you. You have the power to make them real. You have the power to make yourself exactly what you want to be."- Joleen K. Fox
If you can dream it, you can achieve it. Sure you might need to work hard for how else will you know how to appreciate it. If you really look at your life you will be amazed how much you have achieved. All things take time, determination and hard work. But don't give up too early-all things might be realized around that next bend. Trust that all will be wonderful and it will. Peace.
Monday, March 12, 2012
"You can't change the water level in the glass by waging war on the emptiness and trying to rip out the emptiness. The emptiness goes by filling the glass with water. When you have bad feelings, you are empty of love, and so when you put love into yourself, the bad feelings are gone." -The Power--by Rhonda Byrne
I like to think that each of us has at our core a bright light where Spirit resides. We all have it but around that light are many clouds-some can be very dark. We need to get around all those clouds or feelings that keep us from our core. Those feelings could be self-doubt, hate, distrust, revenge, unforgiveness - you name it- they are all bad and do nothing for us or for others. We can't sit there and complain about all of the clouds. We have to work hard to clear those things that keep us from feeling love and gratitude. Lent is the perfect time to clean up and open our hearts. Peace.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
"Be always the first, do not wait for others to forgive, for by forgiving you become the master of fate, the fashioner of life, a doer of miracles. To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return you will receive untold peace and happiness...."-Robert Muller
When we have been wronged-it is easy to want someone to be punished or inflicted with bad karma. It is hard to forgive. It is much easier to have a grievance-to blame outside of ourselves. But we really betray ourselves by choosing to not forgive because we fill ourselves with poison that eats away at us. We damage ourselves and we chose that! We can't control what others do but we can choose how we will respond. By choosing to forgive we are giving ourselves a gift. You have the power to stop blaming others. You are not a helpless victim. You are very capable of doing something that no one can do for you. You can choose to forgive and give yourself peace. And that feels so much better. Peace my friend.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
"But what if you learned how to stop the dramas and started to trust the flow of life and the goodness of Spirit? What if you began to expect the best from any situation? Isn't it possible that you could write new chapters in your life with happy endings?...Suspend your disbelief. Take a leap of faith. After all, what have you got to lose but misery and lack?"-Sarah Ban Breathnach
It is all about the choice that you make. We don't choose the hard things that happen in life but we do choose how we handle those things. Sometimes there are hills in the way and sometimes there are mountains. We need to decide how we will go. Going over those mountains demands much effort and will not be easy. But the views are incredible. Choose to see life as worth every single ache, pain, and tear. Choose to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I promise you it is worth the trip. Peace.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
"Move ahead in a positive way; don't allow yourself to become mired in a negative view. See things for what they really are. Don't let the little things get in the way. Do what you can, however you can, with the resources you have available to you. Don't sell yourself short; you have the power within you to change what needs changing. Face the situation with the resolve to remedy it; do what you need to do to put it behind you. Move ahead in the direction of happiness; go for your dreams and reach for your star." -Collin McCarty
Sometimes situations in life seem too hard. We question if we are on the right path or where we are headed. Sometimes no matter what we do it seems like nothing works. But if we just hold on a little longer-a little tighter-it could all work out. Maybe you have a lesson to learn like not quitting or trusting that it will be okay. We can't quit because maybe if we keep going around the bend, where we can't see right now, will be the answers that we seek. Maybe around the bend, we will accomplish our goals. Maybe around the bend, it will get easier. Just don't quit! You can do it because you are not alone. And if He is for us-no one can be against us. Now go around that bend! Peace my friend.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
"Who knows, really, where dreams begin? Perhaps they first take shape in the unknown realms of sleep or in the far corners of our consciousness, gaining size and substance off in the distant wings of awareness, until one day, just out of the corner of your eye, you see it-the hazy shape of a new idea that is suddenly too big and insistent to ignore."-Katrina Kenison
I believe that we each have our own destinies. What we are meant to do is imprinted on our heart. Sometimes we listen. Sometimes we need gentle nudges. Sometimes we need shoves. Writing this blog was an idea that I fought. My heart practically screamed at me to do this and still I found every reason not to write. Ideas would come up as I walked, as I slept, as I read...yet I balked. Why? Reasons galore. Finally I gave in and decided I need to put my trust in what my heart told me to do. I do not have an agenda-I just write with what moves me. I always thought that when someone talked about living their dreams-it referred to their passions. I do love to read, connect, and write in my journals but to share that with others scared me. Then I read an article that told me to write as if I was talking to a dear friend. So I am. I have no expectations of this. I am just trusting. Peace dear friends.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
"As I stand on the edge of this day, grant me the strength I need to move forward on this journey with grace....Grant me the wisdom to recognize stones on my path and to be able to distinguish between those I can move, those I can step over, and those I need to leave alone. Grant me the calmness to accept that I don't always have to be right, to face difficulties with serenity, and to find peace within myself. Grant me the skills and confidence to face whatever challenges and joys this day brings, and grant me the capacity to relish every moment."-Angela M. Churm
Every day I ask for strength and love for myself and for those that I care about. I don't ask for a certain outcome because that would be all about me having controls. All we really do need is the strength to carry out our destiny in the face of whatever adversity that comes our way. And all people need to know that they are loved. I ask for grace too. Grace to know in which direction I should go, grace to forgive, and grace to help others. Do I have wants and needs? Sure but I trust that after I have asked for grace, strength, and love that I have what I need to take care of the rest. Peace my friends.
Friday, March 2, 2012
"Look at each day as your very own garden. Decide what you want to accomplish. Then sow the right seeds, nuture them appropriately, and believe they'll grow and bloom into the most beautiful flowers you've ever seen. Don't waste time worrying. Just let your heart and mind lead you to act on your own best advice to yourself. Release the rest. You can only do your part and that's enough. Find something to enjoy in everything you do. If you give joyfully, you are making a deposit in your blessings account, the account that gives back to you what you've sown."-Donna Fargo
It always goes back to trust. Trust what your heart tells you to do. Trust that you are not alone. Trust that someone has your back.. Trust that all will work out. Sometimes fear makes us distrust. Sometimes we want to control too much. It is okay to let go of the wheel and enjoy the ride. If you follow your heart you will be happier. You are doing as you should do. If you are happier, life acts like a mirror and will reflect that back at you. You choose what is reflected back. I choose to be at peace. Peace.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards:they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want."-Margaret Young
How do we really know what we need or really want? We can see what others have but that isn't who we are. We need to stop looking at what others have because most of the time that is not how happiness will come. Happiness must come from inside you first. Outside things won't make us happy even though we think they will. Sometimes I take a peak in someone's backyard and think how come they have that and I don't-grass is always greener on other side. But I never really wanted that before and in truth I don't want it now. My own heart will tell me where I need to be and where my happiness lies. I need to have the strength to be who I am because no one else has that job except me. So accept who you are and find out where your happiness lies. Peace.
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