Thursday, February 23, 2012

"It's amazing what can truely happen, how your life can be so grand, when you give up trying on your own, and let an angel hold your hand."-Jane Seymour

I've often wondered if the whole reason for our journey is to learn how to trust.  To trust is to give up control. A scary thought indeed.  Fear means you are trying to control life and hope is not there.  Strength comes from hope.  We need to trust in life no matter what happens-believe it will all be okay.  Sometimes I have wished for the ability to look into the future and see how it all turns out so that I could stop worrying.  But knowing would blow the purpose of the journey.  I realize that I need to learn to trust along the way.  Even though I can't see I need to trust that all matter of things will be good.  I am not alone.  I can believe and trust and let go of worry and fear because they don't change what is happening.  With trust comes joy and peace.  Even in bad times, the challenge is to find what opportunities are presented now.  Everything happens as it should so we can get to where we need to be.  It would be fun to have my present self sit down with my former self and say look-what were you so worked up about-it all works out- just as it should be. Peace.

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