Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"...this garden is your soul. This mess is you! Together, you and I, we have been working with a purpose in your heart. And it is wild and beautiful and perfectly in process. To you it seems like a mess, but to me, I see a perfect pattern emerging and growing and alive-a living fractal."-The Shack-WM PaulYoung

What is fractal? It is the self-similar pattern which means it is the same pattern whether viewed near or far away.  Our soul contains our purpose that remains the same whether viewed near or far away.  But many question-what is our purpose here.  I know I asked and when God answered-I didn't believe him.  I question GOD!!  I doubt-I fear-I procrastinate- I am a mess.  But God knows I am a work in progress and with each step I take on this journey, I get closer to my purpose.  I don't want to let Him down but God is patient.  He knows I evolve until I will get it just right.  Thanks for waiting for me.  Peace.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"When I was made in secret and skillfully wrought...your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them."-Psalm 139:15-16-The Bible

Wow! In reading "You Were Born For This" by Bruce Wilkinson where he refers to this psalm, I had one of  those aha moments.  All I could say was WOW.  I was stunned yet empowered with his concept inspired by this psalm that God knew our dream before He fashioned us.  We all have a purpose.  God has asked me to write despite the fact that I told Him-but I'm not a writer.  Boy has He proven me wrong-hence this blog-despite the fact that no one is following it and no one has commented on it- I am a writer and I am sure God has his purpose for it which will be revealed when the time is right.  I trust God in that.  He has asked and I am doing it AND enjoying much more than I thought I would-despite no one following it.  Maybe God is preparing me for the next step....I believe He has His reasons-I trust Him and it is freeing to know and trust.  We are not islands but spirits setting sail within His love.  If confronted with someone struggling on their journey-we have only to reach out and help to send them on their journey with love and caring.  Our spirit occupies our body that God made the way He did for reasons relating to our purpose and our journey for lessons to be learned in order to help others and ultimately God.  Enjoy your own journey for it is unique and if you don't-who will?  Peace.

Friday, July 19, 2013

"It always seems impossible until it is done."- Nelson Mandela

You put one foot in front of the other.  You keep trudging along.  Stop-rest-keep on going.  Why do we spend so much time looking ahead or up and not taking that step forward?  It does not matter how long it takes but if we step forward we are ahead even by only one step.  It is fear that keeps us rooted.  Fear of what?  Trust that all will be well and it will and go forward because even one step is better than none!  Peace.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"In order to live fully, you have to be present for it.... You do that by paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and being non-judgmental. This requires a great deal of kindness toward yourself, which you deserve."-Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD

Live in the now.  For the future holds worry and the past holds regret.  We have only today to enjoy.  Mark Twain said, "I have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."  We waste so much time and energy wanting things for the future that we think will make our life better or we worry about what looks to us like it might happen and it would cause upset-or so we think.  It is all in our mind.  We just need to believe that life holds so much to look forward to and leave it in God's hands.  Then we spend so much time looking back with regrets or resentments when letting it go and welcoming the peace that goes with that is where we need to be.  We can't change anyone else-only ourselves.  Stop living in the past-those were lessons learned.  Stop living in the future-those are needless worries.  Live for today which is all we truly have anyways.  It is a gift-enjoy it.  Peace.

Monday, July 15, 2013

"Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better."-Emile Coue

Many times we try to rush the project.  Whether we are losing weight, finding a new job, trying a new skill, making friends....we can not hurry the process.  If we take the time we learn so much about ourselves along the way.  There are lessons to be learned.  We need to discover the mystery of who we are along the way.  Life is not a game where you win the faster you go.  Slow down-appreciate each and every single step on your journey.  Take time to discover YOU.  Maybe even give a hand to someone struggling along side your road.  There is a purpose and a reason to every step we take. There is power in knowing this.   Learn and enjoy.  Peace.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"There is an Indian proverb or axiom that says that everyone is a house with four rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time, but unless we go into every room every day even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person."-Rumor Godden in "A House with Four Rooms."

Most of us tend to latch onto one part of ourselves to develop it alone and that is where our attention goes.  Even as babies develop, they tend to concentrate on one area of development and then move on from there.  With one skill level stronger until moving on.  But we need to keep ourselves whole.  We need to be complete and that means keeping physically healthy, as much as mentally capable, as much as emotionally complete, as much as spiritually centered. We can't neglect one part of who we are or we can not become what we were meant to be.  We have a choice to be whole.  Peace.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."-Eleanor Roosevelt

It is such a scary thing-to jump right in.  I use to think that if it felt scary, it wasn't what you should be doing but not anymore.  Scary is a good thing.  The harder it seems to jump in the more the rewards.  Nothing worth doing is easy.  God wants us to stretch our gifts-to see how much we have faith in His help.  It lets us know we are not alone and that we can ONLY do it because He is with us.  I am to be a writer but ONLY through His help can I accomplish this goal.  I have NO talent but what He gives me.  It sure does look scary but God holds my hand-let us jump in together.  Peace.

"Making life less difficult for others is to be encouraged. Creating happiness for others is to be rewarded."- Annonymous

To help another is a wonderful thing.  But these words really make me think.  I want to help.  However to give someone joy, happiness, and love should be the ultimate.  Helping others in difficult times with money and support is commendable.  But to give someone access to happiness is a gift they will always have inside of them and will help in all difficult situations to follow.  I hope that I can give happiness to others not to look for an external reward but to have that happiness inside me too-the ultimate reward-Peace.

"The Past is your Lesson. The Present is your Gift. The Future is your Motivation."- EnjoyLifeNaturally

We all seem to want to rush through our journey here on earth but do you really think that is what God intended for us.  Don't you think God wants us to look around at all there is to see?  Nothing wrong with goals however we are not going to get to them until the time is right.  We need to be able to appreciate which comes from living and lessons.  We need to learn patience as we wait for our hearts desires/dreams/goals to come through.  God has created us a beautiful place as a waiting room so why not enjoy it, learn, appreciate, and move forward as we skip, hop, amble down the road of life.  Peace.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Let's stop thinking that things outside our control will bring us happiness. The magic seeds of contentment are planted deep within us. Happiness that the world cannnot take away only flourishes in the secret garden of our souls. Happiness is a living emotion."-Sarah Ban Breathnach

We always think that if we only have this or get that job or find that person, then we will be happy.  But those things are not where happiness springs from.  We need to be happy now.  And NO ONE can take that from us.  We choose it and someone can not snatch it away unless we let them.  It is not easy to just enjoy each day before us.  Goals are great but live for now for that is the only known.  Peace.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"You are the cause; your life is the effect."-Rhonda Byrne

It all happens inside you.  We choose how we will react, how we will live, how we behave.  We can not blame others because of our actions.  We choose to let it go or let it bother us.  We can't change others only our response to others.  And many times when we have been hurt by others,  it is more about them then us.  Hurt people hurt others.  So choose to change how you view hurts, resentments, anger, behavior of others, or pain inside us.  Choose peace, love, strength.  Not to get stepped all over by others-protect yourself as you would a good friend.  But choose to live with peace inside you as a gift to yourself. And if you do this-life will be peaceful too.  Peace.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"I think most of us focus on time management.... We should focus on energy management. Find the things that give you energy in life.... If those things take time, that's okay, because they're building you up and supporting you for the things that aren't easy to do."-Dr. Oz-

Love the idea of energy management.  Someone said they divide their time in 90 min increments-exercise, housework, something you want to do.  You know that you can clean house-a must to but as soon as it is done-fun time-whatever you want to do.  Small increments but that way you are guaranteed your time each day and by the end of the week-you have exercised, cleaned the house, and built up your energy reserves by taking care of you!!  If you don't care for you-how will you have enough for everyone else besides letting the world know you are important too.  Peace.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"No matter what sort of difficulties, how painful experience is, if we lose our hope, that is our real disaster."- Dalai Lama

So many times I hear people say why did God do this or why did He allow this to happen.  In fact I have thought it myself.  It has never made sense.  But we have free choice and our choices impact others.  We can chose to hurt others.  We can choose not to listen to the urges of our heart and then not help someone in need.  We can look the other way when we could have made a difference.  God depends on us to do his work here.  Will you do it?  Peace.

Monday, June 10, 2013

"... firm believer that prayers can be answered in unexpected ways.... 'Turns out, we weren't late.... We were on God's time. We were exactly where we were supposed to be, when we were supposed to be there. ' "-Brad Ray-Parade magazine

Sometimes we are meant to take the road a certain way.  Yet we become frustrated and impatient.  It is okay to give up the control and know that God intends to use you to help someone else.  What a wonderful thing.  Go with the flow and trust that all will work out.  God wouldn't bring you here to abandon you.  Believe that He will get you through it and the timing is PERFECT!! Peace.

Friday, June 7, 2013

"...there is always a way around a problem - you've just got to find it. Keep trying doors; one will eventually open....accept failure as part and parcel of life. It's not the opposite of success; it's an integral part of success."-Arianna Huffington

Why do we worry so much about the future road we are on?  If we are suppose to be there then it will all work out and if not the right road, we learn a lesson and head where we are to be.  So why worry?  If we spend so much time in fear then we can't enjoy the road we are on.  Let it go!  Move on and stop being afraid.  Trust-there is that word AGAIN!! So hard to give up control...if we only realized we never had it anyways....  Peace.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

"Intuition is a spiritual faculty, and does not explain, but simply points the way."-Florence Scovel Shinn

What is this thing that seems to emerge from deep inside the very life of me?  It seems to be whispers from the soul-longing from the heart.  It does not yell or make demands.  It just is like a part of who you are.  To listen to it-trust what it has to say.  Intuition.  Instincts.  Signals from within.  Messages from Self.  Listen. Believe.  Act.  Trust.  Take a risk.  Peace.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"Be willing to believe that a companion Spirit is leading you every step of the way, and knows the next step."-Simple Abundance-Sarah Ban Breathnach

Faith allows us to push past limitation.  We do not have to take that next step alone.  We are not left to take on risk unassisted.  We have help from a loving source who is so willing to wrap us in that love and go forward with us.  We have only to ask, believe, trust and take that first step.  Yes-it is so hard and requires so much faith.  We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Trust your heart's urges and go do as you are destined to do. Peace!

"Being always transcends appearance-that which only seems to be. Once you begin to know the being behind the very pretty or very ugly face, as determined by your bias, the surface appearances fade away until they simply no longer matter."-WM. Paul Young-The Shack

I have always been a believer that what is inside or real is so much more important but society makes us biased to what is beauty.  Beauty was my grandmother's gnarled, twisted elderly hand.  Beauty is a bald chemo patient's head.  Beauty is looking deeply into people's eyes.  Beauty is not always what you see at first.  The outside packaging does not always reflect the spirit that is in, around, and through us.  I try so hard to let that spirit that is within me radiate out.  Let us all get past what you see at first to what lies just beyond-it is an amazing view!  Peace!

Monday, June 3, 2013

"Listen to the whispers of your heart. Look within. Your silent companion has lit lanterns of love to illuminate the path.... At long last, the journey you were destined to take has begun."

Urges from heaven.  Soul whispers.  Intuition.  Heart talk.  Destiny.  So often we do not trust where the road is leading us-we want to peek.  Why do we do that to ourselves?  Jump in! Trust! Go for it!  So easy to give others encouragement but not always listening to ourselves.  What is the worse that can happen?  How would you handle that?  Now do it!   You are not alone-God is waiting with a raft.  He would not lead you here to leave you here.  Trust!  Peace.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown."-The Shack

It is ALWAYS scary.  We think we want to know what is ahead of us but in reality why would we.  Life is about living each day excited about possibilities.  If we knew how it would all work out it would be like knowing what is in a gift we are given to unwrap.  You go through the motions but anticipation is what it is all about.  Fear of unknown would disappear if we would just trust and believe that an amazing life is ahead.  Go live it and step around those rocks of fear.  Peace.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"After the restorative sleep of winter, spring is coming-time for nature's creatures to begin again, to take tiny steps toward the great things that will unfold in glorious ways in the days and months ahead."-Anne Alexander-Prevention magazine

This saying is so much about life too.  On our journey we encounter many seasons.  We need to remember as nature does, that this too shall pass.  That there is still beauty and life ahead after the winter.  Because we do not know what lies ahead, we must take the first steps to the future-even if they be tiny steps.  Life is about moving forward.  Trust.  Peace.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

" I don't even really like to work out. But when you're strong physically and you feel confident about your body and your health, you're strong in every other facet of your life. It's transcendent."- Jillian Michaels

Strength in mind- strength in body- strength in spirit....they are all connected.  I do not like to exercise but I do it for my health.  I do it to be able to help others.  It feels wonderful after.  If you don't take care of yourself for you-do it for someone or something else BUT just do it.  This is not a trial run of your life-this is it.  Will you sit on the edge and watch others or will you plunge ahead and enjoy every moment that we have on this beautiful place?  Go forward-enjoy!! Peace.

"Being open to unexpected turns in the road is an important part of success. If you try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists and turns. Just find your next adventure-do it well, enjoy it- and then, not now, think about what comes next."- Condoleezza Rice

I heard something one time that said life happens while we were making plans.  Again it always go back to trust.  If we stopped worrying about what could go wrong or what happens next then we could enjoy the journey so much more.  If we trusted that we were loved unconditionally and that Someone is looking out for us planning a life so incredible that we could not even have imagined it-think about how we would enjoy the now so much more.  Trust.  Believe.  Let go of the controls.  Enjoy the ride! Peace.

"Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?"-Robert Browning

I love the words from Robert Browning.  We are placed here on this Earth with freedom of choice and independence.  But if we could ALWAYS do it ourselves then what is the purpose of God?  I have learned lately that I need to ask for the power to do as He would like.  His will be done not mine.  Why would I question His path for me when ONLY He sees what lies ahead and loves me unconditionally?  If we REALLY believe that He loves us then we would trust Him more and realize we need Him.  With His help there is nothing we can't do!!  Some things may seem out of our reach-we just don't have enough in us but with God- we can do it.  Peace.

"I've been changed for the better because I've known you."-Wicked

I took this picture in Hawaii.  We were thinking about my sister-in-law and friend Donna who had passed away the year before after a wonderful family trip to Hawaii.  We kept finding these flowers along the hiking path we were taking to a private waterfall.  The flowers around the path looked nothing like these that were on the path on the ground.  I knew Donna was with us.  We never know when God will call us home but we can use today to make a better world.  I would be so honored if only 1 person felt as these words stated-that someone felt they were better because they knew me.....  May I try every day to help make it be better for someone.  Peace!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

"I'm telling you there's a lot to do. I'm telling you the world needs you. Whatever your calling is. Whatever you dream of. The world needs all of us.... Everything you need , you've got right now. So go. One step at a time. The world will cheer you on. Trust me. "-Maggie Doyne

We all have strengths and learned lessons that enable us to help each other.  That is why we are here.  To love and help each other.  No matter how far away the goal-just begin today.  If you keep putting it off it will not get you any closer.  Start working your way down your path in life-one step at a time.  Peace.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

"...manage to keep a clear eye on the road beyond, the road that may lead to some new endeavor I can't even conceive of yet...."-Katrina Kenison- The Gift of an Ordinary Day

We often look at doors closing in our lives as disappointments.  But what if we thought of them as merely a change of course with more exciting opportunities.  No-we can't see what is around that bend in the road but so much the better.  How boring would it be if we already knew the ending?  Safe but boring.  Life is for living and experiencing.  Go forward and enjoy.  Peace.

Monday, March 4, 2013

"But you know what they say about how to make God laugh? Just say 'I have a plan.' "-Jennifer Graham

We try to control our lives but it rarely works because life happens.  We make choices as do others.  Other choices do impact our lives.  We see only what is ahead of us but can't quite make out what is beyond.  That is why are choices are not always the best.  But God knows what is beyond.  We should depend on Him more- have a little faith and trust HIM.  Life happens-while we are so busy planning.  Plans are good but let go and let God.  Peace.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

"It is never too late or too soon. It is when it is supposed to be.... There is a plan....."-Mitch Albom- The Time Keeper

 I have heard the saying that the teacher comes when the student is ready.  We think in terms of our definition of time but for God, time is relative to the age of the earth.  We need to trust and have faith that all will come EXACTLY when it is suppose to.  So stop worrying and forcing-relax and enjoy your journey! Peace.

Friday, March 1, 2013

"You cannot fix the problem if you're consumed with fixing the blame. You must choose between the two."-Rick Warren

 Stuff happens.  Learn from it but learn more to let it go or it will eat at you and forever diminish your spirit.  For the sake of love of others and love for yourself-let go of pettiness, resentments, competition, comparing, labeling, insulting, gossip.  What others do or say can hurt- a lot- but MOST of the time it is more about them and less about you.  Trees do bend and so must we.  Peace.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

"The splendor of the rose and the whiteness of the lily do not rob the little violet of its scent, nor the daisy of its simple charm."-Saint Therese

One person's talents are not more important than another.  We are unique and thus so are the talents we possess.  We wouldn't want it any other way yet we feel competition.  We compare ourselves with others.  Either we exceed our expectations or fall flat.  But it is only our perception.  Because in God's eyes we are exactly as He wants us-exactly as He needs us to be.  So stop comparing and love who you are- God does! Peace.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."-Robert Louis Stevenson

A duty? To be happy?  Yes! We choose each day how it will go.  Circumstances happen-sometimes life is not fair!  But will we grieve, reject, retaliate, resent, or LEARN.  Sometimes it is hard to push forward but what is the alternative and is that what you REALLY want?  Choose to be happy no matter what- not Pollyanna like but with resolve and control.  Control what you can and choose happiness.  Peace!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Success must include two things: the development of an individual to his utmost potentiality and a contribution of some kind to one's world. To leave the world richer-that is the ultimate success."-Eleanor Roosevelt

I feel like we are here for a purpose.  It isn't all about us-it is about others.  How can we help?  What talents can we use?  What lessons can we share?  That is success-finding what you are suppose to do and do it.  The problem is when you don't know what you are suppose to do.  Not everyone will do their work in a BIG way.  For some of us-it may be we are here to help one person only.  Our purpose will FEEL RIGHT.  We will be able to know-that is true success.  I don't think everyone is fortunate enough to find what is right.  Lessons learned happen throughout our journey.  Good luck! Peace.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"When we weave the weak strands of our lives together, a rope of great strength is created."-Rick Warren

This can be taken as if each of us connects no matter our weaknesses-together we will be strong.  There is nothing we can't accomplish together.  Or it can be taken that if I take all of my weaknesses and with the grace of God-I can do it.  As a teacher I never let my students say I can't-I would say those are bad words.  We would change every I can't to- I CAN! Maybe not by ourselves-maybe we need a little help from each other or lots of help from God but we sure CAN! Peace.

"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances."-Martha Washington

Think about how many years ago Martha Washington lived yet her words are as true today as ever.  Happiness is something inside you-it is a choice that you make.  Outside things do not make you happy but for a mere span of time.  Making a choice to be happy is easier to do than we realize and feels so good.  Be happy! Peace.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Have faith, not fear."-Wes Moore

This is so hard to do!  I know what direction I must go in but taking that first step is not easy.  What am I afraid of- failing? Being successful?  Attention?  Being laughed at?  Being not worthy?  All of the above?  What does it matter?  I need to have faith that God has put out the safety net for me.  That no matter what happens- I can turn and there He is as He has always been.  Faith!!