Saturday, March 17, 2012

"When there is a big change of energy which affects our lives, we often label it as 'bad' and cause ourselves sorrow, pain, and suffering by resisting that change. But you always have a choice. In the Universe there is never just one way, and you are never trapped with no way out, no matter what has occurred. In every circumstance and moment of your life there are two paths available to you. The two paths are the positive and the negative, and YOU are the one who chooses which path you will take."-Daily Teachings-The Secret

Who knows why life goes astray. But it sometimes does, but does it really?  Maybe a message has been sent and we have lessons to learn.  If we are headed in the right direction-it will work out.  If we are not, then following a different path will lead us to where we need to go.  So if it will eventually all work out then why not choose to be positive.  Being negative does not feel good so why go there?  Why not be positive and count your blessings instead of your complaints?  Being grateful for all that is happening is the answer.  So when life seems so negative-thank you for the lessons.  And when life is positive-thank you for my many blessings.  Peace.

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