Sunday, March 4, 2012

"Who knows, really, where dreams begin? Perhaps they first take shape in the unknown realms of sleep or in the far corners of our consciousness, gaining size and substance off in the distant wings of awareness, until one day, just out of the corner of your eye, you see it-the hazy shape of a new idea that is suddenly too big and insistent to ignore."-Katrina Kenison

I believe that we each have our own destinies.  What we are meant to do is imprinted on our heart.  Sometimes we listen.  Sometimes we need gentle nudges.  Sometimes we need shoves.  Writing this blog was an idea that I fought.  My heart practically screamed at me to do this and still I found every reason not to write.  Ideas would come up as I walked, as I slept, as I read...yet I balked.  Why?  Reasons galore.  Finally I gave in and decided I need to put my trust in what my heart told me to do.  I do not have an agenda-I just write with what moves me.  I always thought that when someone talked about living their dreams-it referred to their passions.  I do love to read, connect, and write in my journals but to share that with others scared me.  Then I read an article that told me to write as if I was talking to a dear friend.  So I am.  I have no expectations of this.  I am just trusting.  Peace dear friends.

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